Why I Chose to Pursue Minimalism

So I guess this is always the question: why is someone trying to change something in their life? And usually the answer is to make life better. Basically that is also the answer to why I chose to pursue minimalism. Now that answer came quick but I’ll elaborate more.

It can sometimes get very busy in my head. I tend to think about every detail and forget to take a mental break. My migraine forces me to take regular breaks and wind down. While trying not to think about anything I can’t really stop my mind from wandering. Which is why one day I noticed that I feel better and, more importantly, calmer when everything is clean and put away. It seems that the outside represents my inside to a certain extent. That’s when I started to remove things with intention. I tried to keep my apartment clean and tidy.

Over the time this translated into interior design. I noticed I feel better with clean lines, light colors and a touch of nature. So that’s what I tried to incorporate into my life. Busy spaces just make me feel uncomfortable.

And it made me wonder how other areas in life might be better. What if they are less busy, less filled with stuff and only filled with things that have a purpose.

I do not want to limit myself to only 100 things to own, but I feel like there is a better way of living if the things in life are chosen mind fully.

By consuming less I also want to minimize my footprint in this world. It makes me hurt to see nature cringe under the burden we impose on it. I’m not going to go crazy on you, but I’m convinced we have to take care of the world we live in.

So overall it’s about mental health, inner peace and being mindful with our resources.

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