Minimalist Shopping

In the past I used to just shop around just like everyone else. Have a look at what the shops offer and then buy whatever I felt like I needed. At times it was even a habit to comfort myself, when I felt down, I would roam the online shops and check what they have. When I ordered some things, it usually felt like an accomplishment. Like I had done something good for myself. But later, when checking my bank account balance, I would know that this wasn’t an accomplishment. I hadn’t even done something that good for myself. Maybe for the short term. I could enjoy nice and new things. But in the long term I spent money I would have better not spent.

Since I’ve been engaging with and thinking about minimalism, I developed a set of questions, which I ask myself before I make a purchase:

Which added value or benefit does this thing offer me?
This is the most important question. For a lot of things, which I used to yearn to buy, I noticed that it would not offer me any more than the feeling of having bought something new. That was it. Additionally, I started to remember the “benefit” of less money in my bank account, when tempted to buy something out of a mood. This really helped to put things into perspective.

Do I really need this or can I achieve the same added value with something I already own? 
Often I also noticed, that I already owned something similar. And on top of that, I thought about how much I’m using that similar thing (not so much). This question really helps me learn about how to deal with the stuff that is already in my life. Let’s get creative and think of multiple purposes! And if I would need something only once, I might be able to simply borrow it from someone. Now if I spend money on something new, it will serve a purpose in my life. It will be used regularly. And it will not get covered in dust from standing in the corner.

Does this thing conform to my design ideas and visual standards?
While I do not want to live with an abundance of things, I still want to surround myself with nice things. I am a very visual person putting a great deal on the design of things. Seeing a simple but thoughtful design just makes me happy. So if I add a thing to my life it needs to adhere to my design needs. It needs to fit in, maybe blend in at some times, but also stand out for itself.

Is it of high quality?
This question is a one which is often forgotten when making a decision to buy. But it is so essential. When I go shopping now, checking the quality of a product is definitely a must. If I decide to buy something then I’m planning on using it for a long time. So it will have to withstand all the day to day handling. Out of this it is very important that the product is made well.

Was it produced locally and/or fair?
I do feel that we need to take care of our environment, of the fellow people living on this earth and of all our resources. This is why I try to make environment friendly purchase decisions. If anything is produced locally, then it will be definitely be more thought about than something from far away. And even though everything can be shipped globally, I do think it is better for our environment when something travelled only a few kilometers opposed to several hundreds.

For some purchase decisions, these questions answer themselves really quick. But when I do not really know the answer, then I wait until I do. I try not to rush myself into any decision.

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